What's on Tap, Lancaster?
What’s on Tap, Lancaster? pours out the latest need-to-know trends, insights, and strategies for the Lancaster County business community. Featuring interviews with professionals representing a variety of industries and initiatives, What’s on Tap, Lancaster? will equip and inspire you to cultivate a thriving Lancaster community. What’s on Tap, Lancaster? is a podcast by the Lancaster Chamber.
What's on Tap, Lancaster?
2.7 Uncovering Lancaster's Unique Experiences with Kendra Frazier
Javar Colon and Ashley Glensor sit down with Kendra Frazier, Owner of Unique Lancaster Experiences, for a glimpse of her journey as an entrepreneur in Lancaster County. During the pandemic, Kendra launched Unique Lancaster Experiences, a company focused on connecting Lancastrians and visitors alike to Lancaster through unique tours and experiences. In this episode, learn more about the ways in which Lancaster County embraces entrepreneurship, hear from Kendra about diversity and inclusion in the tourism industry, and feel inspired by her determination to succeed.
Interested in learning more about SCORE Lancaster-Lebanon? Visit their website!
This episode features Funk Brewing's Cookie Monster Golden Stout.